This service is offered through Online Banking with any Canadian Financial Institution.
The first time you make a payment you will have to set us up as a recipient. The recipient email address is
Security Question - This should be your Account/Ad Number. Place only 1 account number in this section. If paying for multiple ads please send us an email telling us how you want the payment applied.
Security Question Answer - This should be your passcode. If you are required to make your security answer 5 or 6 digits and your passcode is shorter then just add 0's to the front of it. For example if your passcode is 1234 then your security answer might need to be 001234. If your passcode is 12345 then the security answer might need to be 012345.
IMPORTANT: If your security question/answer is not in the above format then please email us the security answer so we can collect the payment and activate your ad.
Sending us an email with your payment and ad details will help avoid mistakes and delays
Once your payment is collected your ad(s) will be activated.